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Englishman in Poland

I am an Englishman living and working in Poland and trying to scratch a living attempting to teach English via my native tongue. I have now been living in Poland for nearly one year having arrived here in September 2015. During my time here I have shared multiple moments of laughter, delight, frustration and sometimes astonishment at being a foreigner living breathing and coming to terms with a foreign land and very different culture.

Through this blog, I hope to enlighten you the reader with a light-hearted attempt of how an Englishman sees, views and experiences what it is like to be out of his depth and living in another country. I hope that my crazy observations and ranting ramblings will not only amuse you but enlighten you to Polish culture as seen through the eyes of a confused Englishman. I also hope that through you following my delirious observations it will help you in your quest to learning my inherited language and at the same time challenge your understanding of this crazy verbal communication we call English.

Please visit my new posts that I will desperately try to write each month and please it would be greatly appreciated if you could spare the time to post comments or feedback. Be they complementary, informative or simply addressing me by calling me Anthony. I'll know what you mean. Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen to my observational verbal diarrhoea.

Anthony Tony, an Englishman in Poland….. Umm, that could be a song!


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