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Poland through the Eyes of an Englishman – My Blog

Dear reader, welcome to my crazy observations and meagre attempts at writing a blog. First, let me introduce myself. My real name is Anthony but please please, call me Tony as that is my preferred name that good friends and colleagues use. The only person who would call me Anthony, with a long drawn out tone, with lots of stress on the letter "H" was my mother when she was extremely annoyed with me. O'boy, then I knew I was in trouble. So, unless you are annoyed with me, "Tony" please…….. :)

This is my blog that half-heartedly attempts to view what it is like for an Englishman living and working in Poland and the crazy observations that a meagre English brain makes of Polish culture.

I hope you find it both interesting and at times funny and that it also challenges your understanding of English as a means of written communication.

Tony Liddon

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